Public Talk by Professor Ann Phoenix. “Everyday Diversities: Motherhood, Childhood and Intersectionality”

18.-18. april 2024

10:15 - 12:00

Auditorium Cavum (Odontology Building, Årstadveien 19)

Ann Phoenix is a Professor of Psychosocial Studies at the Institute of Education, University College London, and a former co-director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit. She is a Fellow of the British Academy and of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Phoenix is one of the most outstanding scholars in the field of intersectionality. Her research focuses on the ways in which psychological experiences and social processes are linked and intersectional. It includes family poverty and migration; young people; racialized and gendered identities; masculinities; parenting; and narrative research and mixed methods. Her commitment to critical theoretical and empirical research and teaching, and discussion and conversation on controversial issues have inspired students and scholars worldwide.

This public talk is organized by NORPA, a network of researchers doing research on parenting in Nordic welfare states, in collaboration with HEMIL-center (UiB) and ALREK helseklynge.



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