The First Nordic Conference on Medical Workplace Learning: «Bridging Theory, Science and Practice»

17.-19. september 2023

Stalheim Hotel, Voss

Learning through practice is the most powerful aspect of becoming a health care professional

Stalheim hotel

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Læring gjennom klinisk praksis er helt avgjørende for utdanningen til helsepersonell – men hvordan utvikler man de sunne, kompetente læringsmiljøene hentet fra virkeligheten, i det kliniske miljøet tilegnet pasientomsorgen?

Konferansen har som mål å introdusere fremragende teori, forskningsmetoder og praksisstrategier for klinikere, pedagoger og akademikere innen medisin og andre helseprofesjoner.

Programmet vil gi et innblikk i aktuell pedagogisk og teoretisk utvikling innen internasjonal medisinsk arbeidsplasslæring (medical workplace learning). Innholdsrike og produktive workshops og foredrag vil aktivisere deltakerne, og skape rom for refleksjon og deling av ideer. Programmet overlapper delvis med et 15-timers emnekurs i klinisk praksisveiledning «Læring gjennom klinisk praksis».


Konferansen finner sted på Stalheim Hotel, 2 timer med bil/tog fra Bergen. Busstransport fra Voss stasjon til/fra kurset vil bli organisert:
Bussen henter deltakere som ved påmelding krysset av for transport fra/til Voss stasjon.

Anbefalte togavganger:

  • Søndag 17. september: avgang Bergen-Voss kl. 13.20 (ankomst kl. 14.39). Organisert busstransport fra Voss stasjon til Stalheim hotel kl. 14.50.
  • Tirsdag 19. september: avgang Voss-Bergen kl. 15.09 (ankomst 16.28). Organisert busstransport fra Stalheim hotel til Voss stasjon kl. 14.00.

Togbillett kan kjøpes i forkant eller samme dag som avreise. Man bruker appen «Vy», på (Direktelenke her) eller på billettautomat.

Det planlegges et sosialt program der kultur og natur vil supplere det faglige innholdet på en fantastisk måte!

Organisert av professor Edvin Schei, Gunnar Bondevik og Steinar Hunskår v/Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin (IGS), Universitetet i Bergen, professor Pim Teunissen, Maastricht University. I samarbeid med forskere ved Karolinska Institutet, Aarhus Universitet og NTNU.

Enkeltrom 2 netter inkl. fullpensjon: 4750kr
Dobbeltrom 2 netter inkl. fullpensjon: 3600kr per person
Konferanseavgift: 2500kr
Inkluderer transport til/fra Voss stasjon.

Påmeldingslenke her

Påmeldingsfrist (utløpt): 11. august 2023


Participants are invited to submit abstracts on any research project related to workplace learning in the health professions. Short communications are 10-minute oral presentations followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion, organised into a themed session of 60-80 minutes.

Abstract structure (max 300 words, excluding title and contributor’s details)

  • Title (max 20 words)
  • Background
  • Summary of Work
  • Summary of Results
  • Main take-home message (max 2)
  • Presenter (max 10) and contributors (max 10)
    • First name, last name, email
    • Contact Mobile of presenter
    • Primary Institution, City, Country

Submission Deadline: Expired. Overview of short communications here.

Ved spørsmål om konferansen, vennligst kontakt Karen Haugvaldstad.
Ved spørsmål knyttet til abstracts eller emnekurset «Læring gjennom klinisk praksis», vennligst kontakt Iselin H. Kvamme.
Påmeldingsskjema håndteres av Berg-Hansen reisebyrå.


The First Nordic Conference on Medical Workplace Learning: «Bridging Theory, Science and Practice»      September 17th to 19th 2023


About the conference

The aim of the conference is to integrate cutting edge theory, research methods, and practical educational strategies within a network of academics, educators and clinicians in medicine and other health professions. The conference is to be held at Stalheim Hotel, famous for its magnificent location in the heart of Western Norway’s mountainous fjordscape. The program will allow participants to explore and delight in the exquisite surroundings of the venue. The maximum number of participants will be around 80.



Plenaries will provide an overview of current pedagogical and theoretical developments in medical workplace education internationally. Extensive participatory workshops, symposia, and parallel sessions with oral presentations will offer participants opportunities for practice, reflection, and sharing of research results and theoretical perspectives. A 15-hours course in clinical workplace supervisory skills for practitioners will run in parallel and partly overlap with the scientific conference.


Time and travel

The conference starts on Sunday September 17th at 17:00pm, and ends with lunch at 13:00pm on the 19th. Stalheim hotel can be reached by train from Bergen or Oslo to Voss, followed by 40 minutes in chartered bus. By car it is two hours from Bergen.

Recommended itenerary for train to/from Voss:

  • Train departure Bergen railway station: Sunday September 17th at 13:20pm (arriving at Voss 14.39pm).
    The chartered bus departures from Voss railway station at 14.50pm Sunday.
  • Train departure Voss railway station: Tuesday September 19th at 15:09pm (arriving at Bergen 16:28pm).
    The chartered bus departures from Stalheim hotel at 14:00pm Tuesday.

We recommend booking the train tickets either by using the app “Vy”, visiting or by using a ticket machine. Tickets may be purchased on beforehand or on the day you arrive.



All participants are offered a fixed price for a conference package including two nights with breakfast, lunch, and 3-course dinners.

The price is NOK 4750 in single room, or 3600 per person in double room. (1 Euro is approximately 10 NOK)

Extended stay at Stalheim hotel before or after the conference must be arranged with the hotel, tel. +47-91365607.


Conference fee

2500 NOK (approx. 200 €)


REGISTRATION: Link to registration, payment and abstract form

Registration deadline (expired): August 11th 2023 

Organized by Berg-Hansen travel agency.



Participants are invited to submit abstracts on any research project related to workplace learning in the health professions. Short communications are 10-minute oral presentations followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion, organised into a themed session of 60-80 minutes.

Abstract structure (max 300 words, excluding title and contributor’s details)

  • Title (max 20 words)
  • Background
  • Summary of Work
  • Summary of Results
  • Main take-home message (max 2)
  • Presenter (max 10) and contributors (max 10)

o First name, last name, email

o Contact Mobile of presenter

o Primary Institution, City, Country

Submission deadline: Expired. Overview of short communications here.



Professors Edvin Schei, Gunnar Bondevik and Steinar Hunskår, University of Bergen, professor Pim Teunissen, Maastricht University. In collaboration with researchers from Karolinska Institutet, Aarhus University, and The Norwegian University of Science and Technology.



For questions about abstracts or the 15-hours course in clinical workplace supervisory skills, please contact Iselin H. Kvamme

For questions about the academic conference, please contact Karen Haugvaldstad.

The registration, payment and abstract form is handled by Berg-Hansen travel agency.



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