Senterseminar: Aging and care

13.-13. september 2023


Alrek Health Cluster, 3rd floor, room 3F9

Center for Care Research is hosting a seminar on aging and care with guests from University of Jyväskylä.

Lina Van Aerschot, post-doctoral researcher at the Center of Excellence in Ageing and Care.

Title: Living with Dementia: Social relational perspective to sustainable care

Teppo Kalevi Kröger, Professor of Social and Public Policy at the University of Jyväskylä and Director of the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care.

Title: Towards the caring or the uncaring state? Recent trends in care provisions for older people in OECD-countries. 

Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare) is one of the 12 Centres of Excellence that the Academy of Finland has chosen for the period 2018-2025. CoEs are flagships of Finnish research that are expected to carve out new avenues for research, develop creative research environments and train new talented researchers.

You can also follow the seminar on Zoom:

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