23.-23. april 2024
09:00 - 10:30
Midgard, Ã…rstadveien 17, Alrek helseklynge
The National Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Norway visits the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care. NEM together with BCEPS and Alrek Helseklynge invites to an open meeting. Coffee and scones will be served. Welcome!
Welcome by the department head at IGS, Bjarne Robberstad
Welcome and short introduction about the National Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (NEM), by Kari Agledahl, NEM leader
«A glimpse into experienced challenges among our colleagues at IGS conducting research in LMIC,»
Ingrid Miljeteig, professor, BCEPS and member in NEM
«Conducting a randomized controlled trial on economic support among minors in Zambia. Ethical challenges when intervention research creates suspicion, jealousy, and fear of satanism,»
Ingvild Sandøy, professor, CISMAC/BCEPS
«Ethics challenges conducting health research in LMICs – examples from India,»
Tarun Chodhary, PhD candidate, BCEPS
«Ethics approval and implementation of collaborative research projects in Nepal,»
Krishna Aryal, Senior researcher, BCEPS and former member of the National Research Ethics Committee in Nepal