Alrekmøte: AVLYST/UTSATT Diving into registry data – how to enhance epidemiological studies with bioinformatics and biological experiments?

11.-11. mars 2021

Blir avklart

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Julia Romanowska presenterer ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin presenterer prosjektet: «Diving into registry data – how to enhance epidemiological studies with bioinformatics and biological experiments?»

Møtet avholdes kl. 14.00 – 15.30

Blir avholdt fysisk hvis smittevernrestriksjonene tillater det. Blir oppdatert med påmeldingslenke.


I will present the project DRONE ( – Drug Repurposing fOr Neurological disEases (PI: Prof. Trond Riise), where we employ modern statistical techniques and combine those with bioinformatics, machine learning, and biological experiments to find new drugs for «old» diseases. The project uses big data from Norwegian health registries, where we have unique insight into prescription history and diagnoses. The traditional approach to discover a new drug is very costly and takes many years to finish. At the same time, there are already hundreds of drugs on the market being used by millions of people in Norway. Therefore, by exploring the information on what types of drugs are used by individuals that were diagnosed with a certain disease, we can uncover interesting associations between drugs and the risk change of an illness.

– Julia Romanowska

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Alrekmøte: AVLYST/UTSATT Diving into registry data – how to enhance epidemiological studies with bioinformatics and biological experiments?

11.-11. mars 2021

Blir avklart