From Global Health to Planetary Health: Translating Registers of Human Health

6.-6. juni 2024

09:30 - 10:45

Kantinen, Alrek helseklynge i Ã…rstadveien 17

Health sciences have been increasingly concerned with the interconnectedness of human health, animal health, and the environment. What does the shift from global health to planetary health entail - and why does it matter?

In recent years, the health sciences have been increasingly concerned with the interconnectedness of human health, animal health, and the environment, as reflected in the emergence of the concept of Planetary Health. Within the health discourse there is an important shift underway from global health to planetary health, akin to the earlier shift from international health to global health.

In this talk, Tony Sandset (University of Oslo) will discuss similarities and differences between these concepts, including the framing of social and political determinants of health inequities, and explore what gets ‘lost in translation’ when we move from global health to planetary health.

We serve coffee, tea, scones and fruit.



Global challenges at UiB

Pandemic Centre at UiB

Alrek helseklynge

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Universitetsaulaen, Museplass 3, Bergen