Onsdag 26. april
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Torsdag 27. april
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Åpningslegg ved Barbara Brandt.
Barbara Brandt Professor i farmasi
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #1 (parallel) Facilitating teamwork
- 1A: Supervisors’ Perspectives on Online Interprofessional Supervision: Results from a Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Cross-Sectional Study
- 1B: Coping with uncertainty and ambiguity in real-life practice and student-centred learning courses: supporting pedagogies, the role of mentoring
- 1C: The relevance of a cooperation agreement at the start of active student group
- 1D: Balancing freedom and structure through gamification in team-based learning: a case from entrepreneurship education
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #2 (parallel, workshop) Co-Creator: A learning game about collaborative innovation in the public sector, part 1
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #3 (parallell) E-poster discussions
3A: TUR, the council for educational development in Uppsala
3B: MEST-ERN: Peer-assistedlearning and assessment in clinical placement in nutrition education
3C: «It takes a village» to develop character
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #2 (parallell, workshop continued) Co-Creator: A learning game about collaborative innovation in the public sector, part 2
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #4 (parallel) Developing interprofessional education, part 1 (part 2 on conference day 2)
- 4A: Entrepreneurship for better teaching: An innovative example of interprofessional education
- 4B: Implementing an interdisciplinary project course across the university: The case of ‘Innovation in Teams’
- 4C: Sub-acute simulation scenarios from primary care to train interprofessional collaboration in healthcare education
- 4D: Are interprofessional capabilities transferable in early-to-late interprofessional education?
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #5 (parallel) Internships and entrepreneurship education
- 5A: Learning in Engineering education through open-ended problems
- 5B: Interdisciplinary collaborationin small and medium sized enterprises
- 5C: Exploring students’ contribution in an internship course – the company perspective of having student interns
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #6 (interactive panel debate) Developing 21st Century Skills for a Sustainable future through Interdisciplinary Education
Sted: Bergen
City walk, approx 1,5 hrs
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Conference dinner at the venue
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Richard G. Wilkinson Professor emeritus i sosial epidemiologi
The Equlaity Trust
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #7 (parallel) Transition to worklife
- 7A: Developing interprofessional mindsets and future work life through collaboration between industry and university
- 7B: «Practice placement as a door-opener to the job market» – Music therapy student’s reflections on the value of practice placement
- 7C: Power dynamics and interprofessional collaboration: How do community pharmacists position general practitioners, and how do general practitioners
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #8 (parallel) Developing interprofessional education (part 2)
- 8A: Teaching philosophy of science in interdisciplinary teams
- 8B: CEMUS centre
- 8C: The significance of the curricula in developing and delivering Interprofessional Education
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #9 Teamwork learning for better healthcare
- 9A: InterPlanung – Student-lead interprofessional treatment planning for the outpatient care of the future
- 9B: The patient role in interprofessional clinical placements–a call for a shift in focusin IPE?
- 9C: Development and evaluation of an interprofessional tandem summer school on depression for pharmacy and medical students
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #10 Online teamwork learning
- 10A: «It Enables Us to Reflect More on Nutrition»: A Mixed Methods Cross-Sectional Study on Preclinical Digital Training in Nurse Education
- 10B: Stellenbosch University’s hybrid community model
- 10C: Transformation from Blended to Online Learning: A Four-Year Longitudinal Cross-Sectional Interprofessional Study
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #11 (parallel) How to develop high-quality internship programs in innovation and entrepreneurship? Learning lessons from educators (interactive panel debate)
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #12 (parallel) Collaboration for sustainability
- 12A: Developing sustainable mindset in an interprofessional learning context
- 12B: Interdiciplinary collaboration and context setting skills for the SDG’s
- 12C: Implementing Green Economy and App Development in SDG courses
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #13 TVEPS anniversary session (interactive panel debate)
Sted: Grand Hotel Terminus
Session #13 TVEPS anniversary session (interactive panel debate)